Our Story
Our Journey

Helping a Gluten Free Friend
April 2015, Tim convniced LukE to start experimenting with gluten-free beverages so he would have something to drink when he was over. Not finding anything on the market that was both good tasting and gluten-free, the two decided it was time to make their own.

The Launch of OK Cider
May 2017, they were invited to the Oklahoma Craft Beer Festival. They entered Friday as independents and returned Saturday as OK Cider after wild success.

Financed Their Own Business
November of 2018, OK Cider was officially fully funded after a year of hard work to come up with the funding independently.

OK Cider’s Tap Room Opens!
In July of 2020, Oklahoma’s first Cidery opens in downtown Oklahoma City! After 6 months of building the cidery themselves, Tim and LukE were excited to finally open their doors, which were able to safely stay open even in a pandemic.